
Muslim Belgian Women With A Bachelors Degree Looking For Marriage

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Bachelors Degree

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37 Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium
Seeking: Male 33 - 43
Education: Bachelors Degree
If you live far away, please stop spamming me! Sorry no one from ❌ Asia ❌ Middle East ❌ Africa …………. Salam Alaikom, I know this is not the right place for someone like me, but sine I use zero social media and the time is ticking, I had to join such apps to let my future husband find me inshaAllah as my parents eagerly await their grandchildren lol Who I am: * Simple, calm, straightforward, original, not shallow, no fillers, no surgeries, no ghost makeup. I’m from the simplest family you can imagine. I definitely can put up better pictures, but won’t lol. * Inherited/own a few properties, a couple of houses in Antwerp & Lahore etc, not very rich lol, just a little above average and content. Ya’rabb bless everyone with the best for your treasures are limitless. * No loans, no interest based dealings. * Humble, no expensive outfits & stuff etc. * Content, no desire for more or to look branded or hoard. Life is temporary anyway. * Islam is my best asset and the bestest of my blessings. I absolutely love Quran and its author, Lord of the Worlds. I keep my pillars, no sects, no intermediaries, Quran and Sahih Hadeeth only. Please ignore my inconsistent headcover as I’m still a work-in-progress. Ya’rabb accept me & my family in your righteous servants and cause us to die while Muslim. Ameen. * Almost Retired now but worked as an Engineer and startups entrepreneur with 15% success rate, sometimes lower :D * No kids. I have always avoided haram relationships and will never get into haram. So don’t offer me haram please. * Friends with my siblings & family, we play badminton, basketball, sail, swim, do picnics, BBQ etc, so never had friends outside. I’m an introvert for people outside family. Within our family we have a “ others-first” culture, The eldest sibling by default carries more responsibilities lol. * Continuous improvement, I keep learning and improving myself, my knowledge, manners & skills. * Love nature, keep planting all kinds of vegetables & fruits, with about 10% success rate, sometimes higher 🙂 we don’t eat sugar we eat dates/ honey instead, we don’t drink soft drinks etc. we make shakes, juices, smoothies lol, so the lifestyle is anti junk (95% of the time). * I also had a fair share of life changing experiences such as a few weeks stay in the ICU lol, well but that has made me a better person. ( now you understand the above point) * I’m not perfect, I may lack or have faults but I’m willing to improve if taught politely. What I’m looking for: * Muslim husband who absolutely loves Allah Sub’hanahu Wata’ala. Prays , keeps his pillars, loves seeking knowledge. * I’ll let you be the leader, provider, protector. Please don’t dictate 🙂 * I don’t like people who live a life on social benefits using islam for their laziness. That’s not right, being ambitious is important as Islam prefers a giving hand over a receiving hand and a strong believer over a weak believer. The focus must be akhira, the hereafter of course, but we get the reward of worship while we working. * What you did before Islam is no problem. But you should be mindful of your actions as a Muslim. Not shallow, doesn’t go behind temporary pleasure. Doesn’t seek haram. * Understandably, I’d prefer someone of equal or better status. But it’s not a prerequisite as Allah swt blesses everyone differently, as long as you work and are willing to provide for your wife and kids. Don’t worry I’m low on maintenance lol. Also, I prefer to cook healthy food at home. if you’re too broke, a fake refugee or have a habit of taking loans, apologies but we won’t match. If not of the same status, I’d also request for a prenup to save myself from any distress. It’s not a matter of trust but of precautions as we see a lot of mess around nowadays. You should feel comfortable with it, afterall our children will inherit everything if you are far-sighted 🙂 Also, I’ll move in with my husband and not the other way around, my family will use the family houses for as long as they want to, and I need a leader husband who doesn’t care what his wife owns, earns or spends, I’m not looking to adopt. My mom never worked and my dad has worked really hard to provide his wife and kids the best of everything. My mother is a wise woman, she prioritized investments over fashion/ unnecessary stuff resulting into a good base for her kids. My parents are a perfect team, Alhamdullillah. Ya’rabb bless them with long healthy lives and the best of everything in this life and the hereafter. * Only a man that doesn’t have kids, doesn’t want polygamy. And someone who likes cleanliness, it’s half of our faith afterall. * I don’t expect perfection. But someone kind, generous, genuine, responsible, understanding , and elevating is important. A companion my soul longs for. Apologies, I feel ashamed that I had to write all of it. But it was important as I keep getting contacted by wrong people. Life, sustenance, spouse, children and everything is from Allah swt alone. Only halal, Strictly No Exceptions. Rabbi la tazarni farda’n, wa anta khairul wariseen. Ameen
29 Brussels, Brussels, Belgium
Seeking: Male 30 - 40
Education: Bachelors Degree
46 Mechelen, Antwerp, Belgium
Seeking: Male 48 - 58
Education: Bachelors Degree
44 Mouscron, Henegouwen, Belgium
Seeking: Male 40 - 53
Education: Bachelors Degree
39 Gent, East Flanders, Belgium
Seeking: Male 40 - 60
Education: Bachelors Degree
56 Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium
Seeking: Male 40 - 99
Education: Bachelors Degree
56 Schaerbeek, Brussels, Belgium
Seeking: Male 56 - 62
Education: Bachelors Degree
36 Grimbergen, Flemish Brabant, Belgium
Seeking: Male 31 - 45
Education: Bachelors Degree
58 Tongeren, Limburg, Belgium
Seeking: Male 45 - 58
Education: Bachelors Degree
43 Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium
Seeking: Male 37 - 53
Education: Bachelors Degree
39 Zaventem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium
Seeking: Male 35 - 50
Education: Bachelors Degree
49 Westerlo, Antwerp, Belgium
Seeking: Male 48 - 60
Education: Bachelors Degree
24 Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium
Seeking: Male 28 - 43
Education: Bachelors Degree
39 Sint-Niklaas, East Flanders, Belgium
Seeking: Male 35 - 99
Education: Bachelors Degree
45 Mortsel, Antwerp, Belgium
Seeking: Male 43 - 54
Education: Bachelors Degree
51 Arlon, Luxembourg, Belgium
Seeking: Male 46 - 59
Education: Bachelors Degree
31 Brussels, Brussels, Belgium
Seeking: Male 32 - 55
Education: Bachelors Degree
49 Edegem, Antwerp, Belgium
Seeking: Male 37 - 49
Education: Bachelors Degree
40 Waterloo, Walloon Brabant, Belgium
Seeking: Male 38 - 49
Education: Bachelors Degree
40 Brussels, Brussels, Belgium
Seeking: Male 28 - 45
Education: Bachelors Degree
54 Brussels, Brussels, Belgium
Seeking: Male 49 - 61
Education: Bachelors Degree
36 Sint-Gilles, Brussels, Belgium
Seeking: Male 33 - 57
Education: Bachelors Degree
45 Zaventem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium
Seeking: Male 45 - 55
Education: Bachelors Degree
32 Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium
Seeking: Male 31 - 46
Education: Bachelors Degree
39 Ukkle, Brussels, Belgium
Seeking: Male 35 - 46
Education: Bachelors Degree
43 Bornem, Antwerp, Belgium
Seeking: Male 35 - 60
Education: Bachelors Degree
43 Temse, East Flanders, Belgium
Seeking: Male 38 - 50
Education: Bachelors Degree
44 Brussels, Brussels, Belgium
Seeking: Male 40 - 53
Education: Bachelors Degree
44 Liège, Provincie Luik, Belgium
Seeking: Male 36 - 49
Education: Bachelors Degree
44 Leuven, Flemish Brabant, Belgium
Seeking: Male 40 - 53
Education: Bachelors Degree
39 Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium
Seeking: Male 35 - 50
Education: Bachelors Degree

