
Muslim Marriage North Carolina

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North Carolina

1 - 35 of 100
59 Goldsboro, North Carolina, United States
Seeking: Male 29 - 65
52 Durham, North Carolina, United States
Seeking: Male 33 - 55
The greatest gift that Allah has given me is to guide me to this beautiful religion with understanding. I love this deen and being Muslim more than anything else. I am a revert of 31 years. I love Allah and His Messenger (salallahu alaihi wa salaam) and I love to study this religion. I try to the best of my ability to adhere to what the Messenger of Allah has taught, and the generation after him, and the generation after them etc. I am not just satisfied with saying that I am Muslim. I am constantly reflecting on my character and how I can improve myself. You will find me to be one who is very humble, sincere, and who likes simplicity and peace. I love to laugh (in moderation) and can be playful at times. I am an intellectual at heart and love talking about Islam as well as some worldly affairs. Those that know me say that I am a sweet person with a beautiful personality. I try to be balanced when it comes to this way of life because the Messenger Salallahu alaihi wa salaam said to take the middle course but also strive to as near to perfection as we can. No matter what I am going through, I always want good for my Muslim brothers and sisters. We are living in the Last Days so I have been thinking about my life a lot and right now I just want to be a good Muslim, and mother, and a wife (if Allah wills) and hopefully with that, Allah will allow me to enter into Jannah. I am loving, kind, and caring. I am a bit shy when meeting new people. I try to see life with a "half full" attitude and understand Allah's qadr. Seeking an education is important to me right now but I still like to sew, and I love to cook, and it especially makes me happy cooking for my family because I know that they like it and there is barakah in it. I love reading and writing (especially poetry). I love traveling, I paint, I love to garden and observe the beautiful things that Allah has created. I am a bit of a homebody, but I occasionally go out to be amongst the Ummah. I still feel that the best place for the Muslim woman is in the home.
50 Durham, North Carolina, United States
Seeking: Male 45 - 56
Laid back , somewhat reserved Muslimah. Enjoys Nature but .......Bugs EXCLUDED lol . Same with Animals kind of. I respect them/ Their right to be but... I think my aversion to wild and domesticated animals likely comes from the fact that I'm unable to VERBALLY communicate with them That said.. I don't want any harm to come to any. I'd never mistreat one, Or watch someone else mistreat one without voicing opposition. Just not an ideal use of time for me to make myself the care taker of (animals), independent a farm (that is). lol. Anyhow.... Moving on, The kind of nature i dig MOST would be more like (Bodies of water, flowers, Sunshine, fresh air, Scenic views etc). Those things that both energize me as well as make me introspective. Things like, Standing on a shore / mouth of an ocean......... Looking out into the magnificence / vastness . Things like those that make me reflect on my place , My coming, My purpose, My deeds, etc. Allahu Akbar. I also dig laughter, relaxed and comfortable spaces. Family gatherings, as well as alone time. Time to sit and listen to the chatter of my own mind. To ponder ideas, correct my thoughts about something i may have wrongly thought previously etc. Things that cause me to FEEL in general are often things that I gravitate toward.. I could laugh (out loud) at a good joke 1 minute, But in seconds be reduced to tears at an emotionally heart tugging occurrence. I AM AWARE that SOUNDS UNSTABLE lol.... But ... Dont Worry... I promise! its less about instability and more about living life authentically! (Maturity) has shown me that not masking feelings under layers of bravado/ inability to be vulnerable (when vulnerability is due) is better than saving face. I've come to understand that it just works out better for all involved when one chooses to be honest and genuine about feelings, / intent etc. (Assuming BOTH ppl are operating in that state of openness). it saves so much valuable time and eliminates so much more unnecessary posturing. Other things I like doing are varied types of Charity.. At the Masjid, On my own, With my family, etc. I genuinely care about ppl and don't well tolerate those who DONT care about (others). I like ppl who try hard to Make others feel as if they are WELCOMED, as opposed to just being TOLERATED. I tend to dislike classist mind sets, and ppl who ONLY see the value in treating ppl who are financially similar to (themselves) with kindness/ dignity/ and respect. If a person knows enough to be nice to the CEO but does Not know enough to know, that he should also be nice to Janitor or even the man on the street/ other ppl who he believes may not matter, then, it rubs me wrong. Some other (random) things I like are, 1. to be able to hear good/intellectual conversations on varied topics (Even if it isn't me having them, and I'm only in earshot). The emergence of the Podcast Genre helps me get that in these days when i find that I'm lacking those experiences in every day real life. 2. I like MANY artsy things / ppl. (Examples) Love poetry and prose! Old English even, lol. 3. Beautifying my/ others surroundings. (Sometimes I do that for free other times I charge. Its work but then again it ISNT because i love to do it so much). I Also like listening to lectures......... / reading the stories of the prophets / companions of the prophets , and gaining insight/ inspiration at the way they lived their lives. I could probably say more but Im not here to write a book lol. Sooooo.... If any of this sounds like im your fellow conscripted soldier then.... don't be shy :) . P.S. please attach a pic to your profile. at LEAST 1. I'm Niqabi myself, but for fairness I included a pic. I'm not asking for anything I wouldn't do myself. If this is not your choice. I understand, but please also understand if I'd rather not entertain you. P.S.S. If YOU don't have a subscription and I don't have a subscription, it isn't likely that we will be able to talk. I do NOT HAVE Wattsapp and Do NOT want it. so that's not an option. Please do not fill up my inbox with messages that i can not read because they are blocked due to lack of subscription and or 1 word messages in the dozens that have to be deciphered in order to make 1 message. You WILL talk to my Wali far before you EVER talk to me voice to voice. Messaging me here is fine However, we will not carry on phone conversation alone, video etc WITHOUT the knowledge and or interview/ ok of my Wali. Thanks in advance for understanding. May Allah give you the BEST of this day/night, keeping away all harm. Amin.
Saba Khan
60 Cary, North Carolina, United States
Seeking: Male 52 - 65
39 Fayetteville, North Carolina, United States
Seeking: Male 30 - 40
53 Winston-Salem, North Carolina, United States
Seeking: Male 48 - 59
46 Greensboro, North Carolina, United States
Seeking: Male 42 - 55
40 Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
Seeking: Male 35 - 50
30 Greensboro, North Carolina, United States
Seeking: Male 30 - 45
67 Raleigh, North Carolina, United States
Seeking: Male 54 - 68
55 Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
Seeking: Male 49 - 55
44 Jacksonville, North Carolina, United States
Seeking: Male 30 - 53
31 Winston-Salem, North Carolina, United States
Seeking: Male 29 - 48
59 Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
Seeking: Male 58 - 64
22 Greensboro, North Carolina, United States
Seeking: Male 22 - 26
69 Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
Seeking: Male 60 - 75
56 Fayetteville, North Carolina, United States
Seeking: Male 49 - 62
60 Greensboro, North Carolina, United States
Seeking: Male 53 - 65
32 Rocky Mount, North Carolina, United States
Seeking: Male 30 - 46
42 Asheville, North Carolina, United States
Seeking: Male 28 - 44



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