
Average Egyptian Women Dating

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23 Alexandria, Al Iskandarīyah, Egypt
Seeking: Male 26 - 34
Body style: Average
This profile is under parental supervision. I'm Salma 23 years old Egyptian from Alexandria I never lived in Egypt but I was visiting Alexandria every 2 years. I was born and grew up in Botswana (South Africa). I live in Botswana with my family, father, mother and 2 brothers, and my father is a doctor (consultant physician) . I graduated from Faculty of Education Department of English Language from University of Pretoria from South Africa April 2024. I'm quite, calm and peaceful girl. I'm able to speak Arabic very well but I can't read it or write it. And alhamdulillah I came with my mum to stay permanently in Alexandria and the rest of the family will join us later. I am Salma's mother, who made the profile Muslim because we live in a non-Islamic country, and the profile is under the supervision of the parents. I am the one who responds to messages, not Salma, and no one should tell me where Salma is and why she is not the one who responds to messages, because I cannot expose her to this level of moral decadence from most people. Unfortunately, those who use the Muslimah website for entertainment and do not adhere to morals, contact me first to ensure seriousness and morals. انا والدة سلمى اللى عاملة البروفايل على مسلمة نظرا لاقامتنا فى بلاد غير اسلاميه وعادات وتقاليد مختلفه عن عاداتنا وتقاليدنا وديانتتا الاسلاميه كنت حابه اقول ملحوظه مهمه وياريت اللى بيقرأ البروفايل ياخود باله منها احنا عيله مصريه مقيمين فى دولة بتسوانا فى جنوب أفريقيا بقالنا ٢٤ سنه نظرا لعمل الوالد طبيب استشاري باطنه سلمى اتولدت ونشأت واتعلمت هنا فى بتسوانا لحد التعليم الثانوى اما التعليم الجامعى فالتحقت بجامعة بريتوريا فى جنوب أفريقيا سلمى بتتكلم عربى كويس لكن مش بتعرف تقراه او تكتبه بحكم نشأتها خارج مصر ولغتها الأولى هى الانجلش وانا اللى برد على الرسايل مش سلمى والسبب هو ان اغلب الأشخاص على موقع مسلمه ليهم اغراض تانيه غير الارتباط الشرعى دا غير مستوى الاخلاق المتدنى وانا طبعا مش حعرض بنتى لأى نوع من انواع الانحطاط الاخلاقى واللى يتواصل يبقى عارف ان والدتها هى اللى بترد على الرسايل حتى نتأكد من جدية وأخلاق الشخص المتقدم واتمنى التوفيق للجميع
28 Cairo, Al Qāhirah, Egypt
Seeking: Male 29 - 50
Body style: Average
44 Cairo, Al Qāhirah, Egypt
Seeking: Male 40 - 50
Body style: Average
26 Alexandria, Al Iskandarīyah, Egypt
Seeking: Male 26 - 35
Body style: Average
35 Alexandria, Al Iskandarīyah, Egypt
Seeking: Male 33 - 48
Body style: Average
51 Cairo, Al Qāhirah, Egypt
Seeking: Male 46 - 59
Body style: Average
Engineer I do not work very romantic I adore calm, drawing and raising pets I hate nervousness and routine name / bride God peace be upon our master Muhammad and his family and pour peace please read the data well before communicating age: 60 Qualifying / Decorative Engineer on Pension and Study of Hotel Management in Britain Job. / Do not work height / weight: 165 - 75 skin color: White wine do you want to have children: No, are there children: Yes, but they have their own life smoking: No level of religiosity: Committed without stressing the amount of the Hafs of the Quran: My day's reply thank God for the character: very romantic very sensitive I love calm / I hate the high voice in dialog / I love the arts and painting / I love very high treatment and I hate lying number of brothers : I have a car : I have and sold it for the appropriate engagement period : until I rest and rest and ask him my way to move to another province : my city only Cairo other specifications: look forty-fold thanks to God I love travel and trips I do not like the contours of the life partner required: a man who is religiously committed without stress, is easily from a social level, a life-loving - only psychologically and healthy - I live with him without responsibility children or problems - divorced / widowed / or stable plurality in Cairo from Rehab and the best of my case cities: divorced or widowed or wants to be multi- city: Cairo - Rehab or My City of age: 55 to 60 Length : 175 to 180 Weight: 80 Non-Fat Skin Color : wheat or White Qualification: University study or equivalent to PhD Social level: high-end
26 Awsīm, Al Jīzah, Egypt
Seeking: Male 32 - 46
Body style: Average
28 Cairo, Al Qāhirah, Egypt
Seeking: Male 29 - 46
Body style: Average
27 Cairo, Al Qāhirah, Egypt
Seeking: Male 33 - 45
Body style: Average
20 Al Manşūrah, Ad Daqahlīyah, Egypt
Seeking: Male 21 - 34
Body style: Average
28 Ar Raswah, Mohafazat Port Said, Egypt
Seeking: Male 28 - 35
Body style: Average
26 Al Manşūrah, Ad Daqahlīyah, Egypt
Seeking: Male 26 - 35
Body style: Average
36 Al Jīzah, Al Jīzah, Egypt
Seeking: Male 33 - 49
Body style: Average
24 Alexandria, Al Iskandarīyah, Egypt
Seeking: Male 23 - 40
Body style: Average
en ng
36 Cairo, Al Qāhirah, Egypt
Seeking: Male 33 - 49
Body style: Average
24 Cairo, Al Qāhirah, Egypt
Seeking: Male 25 - 35
Body style: Average
35 Shibīn al Kawm, Al Minūfīyah, Egypt
Seeking: Male 32 - 48
Body style: Average
27 Madīnat Sittah Uktūbar, Al Jīzah, Egypt
Seeking: Male 45 - 99
Body style: Average
24 Abū Kabīr, Ash Sharqīyah, Egypt
Seeking: Male 23 - 41
Body style: Average
52 Cairo, Al Qāhirah, Egypt
Seeking: Male 60 - 80
Body style: Average
37 Az Zaqāzīq, Ash Sharqīyah, Egypt
Seeking: Male 35 - 45
Body style: Average
41 Alexandria, Al Iskandarīyah, Egypt
Seeking: Male 48 - 67
Body style: Average
22 Kafr ash-Shaykh, Kafr ash Shaykh, Egypt
Seeking: Male 27 - 40
Body style: Average
34 Al Jīzah, Al Jīzah, Egypt
Seeking: Male 44 - 69
Body style: Average
36 Cairo, Al Qāhirah, Egypt
Seeking: Male 34 - 49
Body style: Average

