
Average Muslim German Men Marriage

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35 Chemnitz, Saxony, Germany
Seeking: Female 21 - 39
Body style: Average
Salam Aleykum, on 6 January 1 9 89 I was born with the name Mohammed bin Waqas Nadeem. In this way I'm looking for the woman of my life, because it works rather worse in the real world. I'm definitely nice and friendly I like to laugh quite a bit and I like it when I agree with others. Therefore, I am looking for a woman who lives according to the rules of Islam (The Shariyyah), who knows the true history of Islam, and also has the same political views as me. Loves me just the way I am, I respect her and she respects me. I don't want to text for two seconds and then text the next, if you should text me then only talk to me if you like me, when you're in a good mood, meet someone else. I would like to write regularly with only one woman if she is interested in me, if I have piqued someone's interest then she should write to me. Since I have tried many times to upload credit here on this platform and it did not work, so the money I invested could not be used for anything, I would like to have my profile here and the chat in WhatsApp. That's why I leave my WhatsApp number here, which I'm always active with. I'm currently working in construction, and sometimes I can't answer, outside I always have time. Here the number: + Since I have tried many times to upload Credit here on this platform and it did not work, so the money I invested could not be used for anything, I would like to have my profile here and the chat in WhatsApp. That's why I leave my WhatsApp number here, which I'm always active on. I'm currently working in construction, and sometimes I can't answer, outside I always have time. Here the number: + Since I have tried many times to upload Credit here on this platform and it did not work, so the money I invested could not be used for anything, I would like to have my profile here and the chat in WhatsApp. That's why I leave my WhatsApp number here, which I'm always active with. I'm currently working in construction, and sometimes I can't answer, outside I always have time. Here the number: +4917642785666
67 München, Bavaria, Germany
Seeking: Female 18 - 51
Body style: Average
46 Frankfurt am Main, Hesse, Germany
Seeking: Female 18 - 40
Body style: Average
Hi, my name is Onur and originally from Izmir city of Türkiye, I'm Computer Engineer, MS. c. working in an international automotive production company in Frankfurt, Germany at the present, I'm looking for a serious relation and to set happy and strong family. I'm open minded, kind, caring, honest, trustworthy, respectful, lovely and include all other values for family life. Besides, I am not religious person. I don't practice. Most important thing is to be a good person and I do it in my life for all alives around me caring them very good, for environments to keep clean, for my job to do it as best. These are same in my parents' live. We have modern life style. Also, I like animals, pets, but I don‘t have pets. I don‘t smoke. I drink rarely like once in a year to celebrate new year, or sometimes at dinner that is possible to drink wine, or moments that may happen very rarely. I'm tidy and organized person regarding home and social life. my hobbies: reading, drawing/painting, singing, playing basketball, watching movies, listening to music, dancing, travelling, swimming and so on. I have rewards in drawing/painting from my highshool years and I have dance championships from my univesity years. I like dancing very much. I like to dance in a lot of styles such as folk dances, Tango, Salsa, Caca, pop songs and others also. I like to dance with my life partner during rest of my live and we can improve from time to time. Meanwhile, I have a few dance shows in Y. o. u. T. u. b. e, that I had performed spontaneously in my worked company activities. I'd like to know your idea, if you'd like to watch 😊 first two in the list of result after searching via: Michael Jackson nur cura
42 München, Bavaria, Germany
Seeking: Female 22 - 34
Body style: Average
32 Bünde, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Seeking: Female 18 - 29
Body style: Average
48 Mannheim, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
Seeking: Female 23 - 40
Body style: Average
I'm from Germany, but currently living in Ho Chi Min City, Vietnam. I started to feel attracted to Islam more than 15 years ago, but became serious about reverting over the last 2-3 years. I feel it is a religion resonating in my soul, as if it has been calling for me all the time, waiting for me to understand. As such, I am looking for a wife who is religious, who wants to be a good muslima and please Allah, and who lives life in consideration of the afterlife. I am idealistic about love. I believe love should be the center of our life, not a mere addition to it. I want to establish a deep connection that holds us together forever in the knowledge that we are meant for each other. I like the idea that we will be together forever in Jannah. I believe that belief in Allah allows us to focus on what's important and experience love on a higher level. I will promise to Allah to take care well of my family and put my wife's life and of course our kids' lives before my own. You will promise to Allah to try to be a good wife and be obedient to your husband. I know this is not a small requirement - but I am looking for the right woman who wants to be obedient and understands the beauty and special connection between us that will be created. Someone who reads this and feels her heart beating. That being said, I will listen to my wife, and in a relationship, it's important to understand what your partner needs and to make each other happy. I am gentle, sophisticated, smart, very broadly educated, hard-working, compassionate, relatively quiet. I have a soft heart. I don't like shouting and aggression. I rarely argue. I am self-employed and can work wherever I want. I have lived in different countries during my life, I like to experience new environments and cultures. So we can decide in the future whether we want to live in your country or my country.
45 Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Seeking: Female 18 - 38
Body style: Average
54 Köln, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Seeking: Female 18 - 38
Body style: Average
I am 52 years old, 178 cm tall, 85 kg, attractive, down to earth, determined, friendly, absolutely loyal, loving, humorous, Travel and Enterprising. In my spare time I Listen to music, read a newspaper, a walk and hike, drive cars and like to go swimming. My favorite colors are blue, pink, beige and white. I love foreign countries, cultures, the sun and the beaches of the Mediterranean Sea. I interest me for landscape, nature, culture, science, engineering, law, and healthy eating. I will be friendly and charming, attentive faces, warm, compassionate, and always make sure that other people feel comfortable in my presence to be seen. Best regards and wish you a pleasant day J'ai 52 ans, je mesure 178 cm, je pèse 85 kg, je suis séduisante, terre-à-terre, déterminée, sympathique, absolute loyale, aimante, pleine d'humor, voyageuse et entreprenante. Dans mes temps libres, j'écoute de la musique, je lis un journal, je me promène, je conduis des voitures et j'aime nager. Mes couleurs préférées sont le bleu, le rose, le beige et le blanc. J'aime les pays étrangers, les cultures, le soleil et les plages de la mer Méditerranée. Je m'intéresse au paysage, à la nature, à la culture, à la science, à l'ingénierie, au droit et à une alimentation saine. Je serai sympathique et charmant, des visages attentifs, chaleureux, compatissants et je veillerai toujours à ce que les autres se sentent à l'aise en ma présence pour être vus. Bien cordialement et je vous souhaite une agréable journée eumri 52 eaman, watuli 178 sum, wawazniun 85 kajum, wajadhabi, wamutawadiein, wahazima, wawudud, wamukhlis tmaman, wamahabatin, waruh aldueabati, walsafara, walmughamarati. fi 'awqat faraghiin' astamie 'iilaa almusiqaa, wa'aqra alsahuf, wa'aqum bialmashy walmashy limasafat tawilatin, wa'aqud alsayaarati, wa'ahabu alsibahati. 'alwani almufadalat hi al'azraq walwardiu walbij wal'abyadi. 'ahibu albuldan al'ajnabiat walthaqafat walshams washawati albahr al'abyad almutawasiti. 'ana muhtamun bialmanazir altabieiat waltabieat walthaqafat waleulum walhandasat walqanun wall'akl alsahi. sa'akun wdwdan wsahran, wadhu wujuh muntabihatin, wadafiatin, warahimatin, wa'ata'akad dayman min 'ana alakhirin yasheurun bialraahat fi wujudi. 'atyab altahiaat wa'atamanaa lakum yawman saeidan في وقت فراغين استمي الى الموسيقى، واقرأ السهوف، واقوم بالماشي ولماشي لمصافات طويلتين، ووعد السيارتي، وأحبو السباحاتي. علواني المميزات هي الازرق والورديو والبيج والابيضي. أحب البلدان الأجنابية والثقافات والشمس وغسلات البحر الأبيض المتوسطي. أنا محتمون بالمناظير الطبيعة والتبييات والثقافات واليولوم والهندسات والقانون والعقل الصحى. ساكون ووددان وسهران، وادو وجوه منتبهتين، ودافياتين، واراهمتين، واعتقاد دايمن من انا الاخرين ياشورون بالراحات في وجودي. أطياب التحيات واتمنى لكم يوم سعيدان

