
Mature Muslim Canadian Men For Friendship

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1 - 35 of 100
32 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Seeking: Female 35 - 55
32 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Seeking: Female 18 - 29
36 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Seeking: Female 20 - 32
I am very logical and brutally honest. What is in my heart is exactly what is on my tongue. Extremely transparent, blunt and straight forward. Our type(INTJ) are a bit perfectionists and obsessed with attention to details and willing to iterate a hundred times on drawing board until we get things right. Goal-oriented, efficient and striving for The Best. I am a justice-doer. And I strongly dislike injustice whether it is done to me or it is done to a stranger. I will stand up for people who are weak and oppressed. My role model is Umar ibn Al-Khattab(ra) because I can relate so much to him. Humble, Grateful, Sincere and Fiercely Loyal to Allah(God) and those who have entrusted me with their amanah(trust). I live in a modern body but have an ancient soul. I'm traditional Muslim and don't subscribe to modernist ideologies and way of life including Secularism, Liberalism, Feminism etc. I have spent the last 10 years as a Software Developer building mobile Apps on Android, iOS and Smart TV platforms for major Canadian and American brands making interactive media Apps for them. Being an introvert means I'm not very social and avoid crowd or noise. I prefer spending quality time with select group of people mainly family and close friends or be with my own self researching, nerding, reading, sleeping or playing video games. I also love exploring historic Islamic civilizations and learn about their governance, culture, language and food especially Turkish! I was born in the city of Mumbai and later moved to Canada in my teenage to pursue higher education and worked there for several years until I realized that I have to move out from liberal Western societies if I have to raise children away from fahisha(degeneracy) that has intoxicated not just non-Muslims but also Muslims. I plan to settle my future family in a conservative Muslim society which is best for raising children insha Allah. -- Future Goals -- 1) Build a strong and trustworthy relationship with my wife which will act as a firm foundation for our family before we bring our kids into this world. I'm looking for a loyal, deep and intimate relationship with my wife who will be my close confidant. 2) Raise righteous offspring in a proper Islamic environment who will go on to become the flag-bearers of Islam insha Allah. As Allah commands in the Quran, "Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong, and those will be the successful." [Surah Aal-e-Imran 104] Amazingly this ayah is revealed in the surah 'Family of Imran'. And this is the quality I want my family to inherit inshaAllah. A Salih(pious) offspring is not achieved through wishful thinking. It requires dua'as and effort on the part of both father and mother who needs to be active learners of Islamic knowledge and needs to be strongly connected to Allah in their daily life.
39 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Seeking: Female 20 - 32
Hashtdot Please only contact if you are able to.come to Canada. Please read the profile before you message. An introvert trying to find a ride or die partner for life here and after insha Allah. I'm calm, caring, passionate and a good listener. I keep to myself and talk on point. Deen is important and as i get older i'd like to practice more, so i wont mind my better half pushing/reminding me for deen. im not into any Bid'ah or Sects, Quran and Sunnah (Hadith books) will guide till the end.I'm not perfect but certain things like Acohol, drugs or haram food is a 100% no for me, In religious beliefs Aqeedah is foremost, Haya(Modesty) in every aspect and then Character has to be aligned. In order for a family to succeed i think this is the base. Looking for someone like that or aiming for that seriously insha Allah. Less interested in this life yet keep a good balance. more inclined towards healthy diet and a positive mind. Just looking for a good connection by the will of Allah. Telegram; Hashtdot In gym 4 days/week, trying to be better physically and mentally. I've learnt alot from life and my mistakes. Getting myself ready to be with someone till Jannah insha Allah. At the top is my i d for telegrm. Please feel free to ask questions to find compatibility, ending up together or not is Allah's decision, we just have to do our part in a halal manner... *my kids live in a different country* Be honest and upfront about your intentions, im not here for a friendship or long chats or any orher relationship.
36 Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Seeking: Female 18 - 26

