
Divorced Arab Women For Friendship

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43 As-Sālimīyah, Hawali, Kuwait
Seeking: Male 40 - 50
Marital Status: Divorced
As-salamu alaykum, I'm Hina, 43 years old, born and raised in Kuwait. Currently, I work as a relationship officer in a bank. I am divorced and have two wonderful children, aged 20 and 18. Please connect with me only if you are open to a partner with children, as they are a cherished part of my life. I am seeking a second chance and hoping to find a life partner to share my journey. I approach life with positivity and ease. I consider myself to be simple, gentle, caring, and respectful. Honesty, loyalty, effective communication, and mutual respect are foundational in my relationships, and I am dedicated to fostering these values. Outside of work, I enjoy traveling, reading, and cherishing quality time with loved ones. I am a dedicated Muslimah who strives to live according to the teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah in every facet of my life. My religion is fundamental to my identity. I am deeply devoted, God-fearing, and prioritize daily Quran reading. I diligently perform Namaz five times a day and faithfully observe the Hijab as an important aspect of my practice. I am seeking a life partner who is understanding, caring, and respectful, with a strong commitment to family and a positive perspective on life. Emotional intelligence is a trait I highly value. I am looking for someone who is God-fearing and strives to pray five times a day, or is committed to growing in this practice. I believe that trust, love, and mutual respect are essential for a successful marriage, and I am excited to meet someone who shares these values. I am aware that Islam allows a man to marry up to four wives, but I personally do not feel comfortable with the practice of polygamy. "Please connect with the intention of meaningful communication. If you're not genuinely interested in conversation, please refrain from connecting. Otherwise, I will need to unmatch you." "Responding with just one word or not continuing the conversation serves no purpose." Jazak Allah...
32 Monastir, Monastir, Tunisia
Seeking: Male 30 - 40
Marital Status: Divorced
جادة وصادقة ولطيفة جدا ، بعد التعرف المقبول.. جدية وصادقة وطيبة جدا الحمد لله لا اريد مضيعة الوقت فشلت تجربتي السابقة ولا اريد ان يعاد لي نفس الفشل مرة اخرى لذا اريد ان اختار شريك حياتي ورفيق دربي بعناية شديدة جدا لكي لا اصل إلى لا قدر الله الطلاق ثانية فإني ابحث عن الشخص المناسب والملائم لاعيش في سلام داخلي وتكون نفسيتي مرتاحة وبالي مرتاح فقط لا غير. . ابحث عن الشخص الذي يستحق ان اكون فخورة به ولكي ينال الابوة لابنتي مستقبلا الى ان تكبر وتقول لي "امي اريد رجلا مثل ابي"🥰🤲 ويكون لي خير سند ونعم الزوج والفخر😍🤲 الله يسهل لي فيه الخير لي ولكم جميعا🤲 . الكمال لله عز وجل كلنا لنا نقائص فلا نتكبر ولنعمل بما قاله ﷺ " ومن كان في قلبه مثقال ذرة من كِبر لن يدخل الجنة" ولنكون متواضعين فمن نحن لنتكبر وسيد الخلق صلى الله عليه وسلم كان متواضعا خُلقنا لنُكمل بعضُنا البعض فلا احد كاملا وحده فالكمال لله وحده ﷻ☝ والوحدة تقتل الشخص وتجعله ضعيفا فلنتحد الى ملجأ الله سبحانه وتعالى ولنسير سويا للجنة💗🤲كلنا مقصرون لو لا رحمة الله وستره جل وعلى ، نجاهد انفسنا عن الهوى ونسال الله باسمه الكريم العظيم الثبات والتقى والعفاف والغنى وان يثبت قلوبنا على دينه ونسأله ﷻ اللهم توبة نصوحة وحسن الخاتمة🤲 اللهم أصلحنا رغماً عنا وردّنا إليك ردّا جميلا يليق بك يا رحمان يا رحيم🤲 اللهم أعنّا على ذكرك وشكرك وحسن عبادتك آمين🤲 وصلنا لزمن ظهرت فيه علامات الساعة وكثرت فيه الفتن والظلم وقلّت فيه رجال الدين على الحق فمن تجد او يجد رجل صاحب دين على الحق فكانما وجدت شيئا ثمينا جدا فلتحافظ عليه جيدا لاننا في اخر الزمن والقابض على دينه كالقابض على جمرة والله المستعان كما قال ﷺ " بدأ الإسلام غريبا وسيعود غريبا فطوبى للغرباء" وكما قال الله ﷻ " يوم لا ينفع مال ولا بنون إلا من أتى الله بقلب سليم ". نسال الله السلام والعافية وحسن العاقبة آمين🤲. ليس لدي مانع للنقاب بالعكس اريد ارتدائه وبشدة اسال الله ان يرزقني اياه🤲 ليس لدي مانع من السفر وليس لدي مانع من الزواج من شخص ليس تونسي والسلام اتمنى ان اجد ما ابحث عنه ومن يناسبني قلبا وقالبا بالرغم اني اعرف ان طلبي شبه مستحيل ولكني الحمد لله متفائله وواثقة في الله وبالله عز وجل حتى اجد على الاقل نصف طلباتي المهم هو ان يكون ملتزم ويتقي فيا الله عز وجل بصدق وان يعاملني بالمعروف وبود ورحمة كما امر الله سبحانه وتعالى وبرفق كما وصى حبيبنا المصطفى صلى الله عليه وسلم " رفقا بالقوارير ، استوصو بالنساء خيرا ، ما أكرمهن إلا كريم وما أهانهن إلا لئيم " فقط 🤲☝. وأخيرا لا تطلبو من زوجاتكم ان تكون عادلة معكم وانتم تظلمهن وكما قال ﷺ " لا يؤمن أحدكم حتى يحب لأخيه ما يحب لنفسه" كن لها انت كمحمد ﷺ لتكون هي لك كخديجة رضي الله عنها وارضاها خذو الرسول ﷺ والصحابيات رضي الله عنهم وارضاهم قدوة لكم وحاولو ان لا تختلفوا ولا تغضبو فالغضب سببه الشيطان الرجيم أعوذ بالله منه والدنيا زائلة وفانية فلنعيش للاخرة لرضاء الله سبحانه وتعالى ولدخول الجنة باذنه ﷻ فقط🤲☝ اكرمنا واكرمكم الله وبارك لنا ووفينا واياكم وحفظنا بحفظه الكريم في الدارين وجزانا واياكم الله خيرا والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته.
37 Casablanca, Grand Casablanca, Morocco
Seeking: Male 30 - 45
Marital Status: Divorced
Salam alaykum. I'm clementina, a Franco-italian revert, born and raised in the United States. I am divorced and have a daughter of 8 alhamdulilah. She lives with her father with whom I have kept amiable and diplomatic relations. I see my daughter on weekends. So far this setting is working well. It is open for depending where Allah will fate me next. I'm not interested to have other children (thought I might drop that somewhere 💣💣) I have changed a lot over time, exploring ways to feel peace and harmony in my life. Islam has definately contributed substancialy in my journey toward a better self. I'm looking for a man that is on the same quest of self improvement with Islam as his compass. Reading, learning foreign languages, finding out about other cultures and lifestyles, jokes, nature, deep talk, personal development, islam are all things I cherish. I have two strong values: knowledge and freedom. I live pretty much on my own in a country that is not mine and feeling fine. No need to say that I'm not looking for a man to "save" me, rather someone who thinks likewise and is ready for the challenge haha. I'm allergic to the cultural representation of the submissive wife. (Men with traditional values =📓) Why I don't want other children: I have come to realize that I'm not what you call "the maternal type". And since raising kids is an amana I take very seriously, I prefer to withhold from a task that stresses me out. But if you are the type of guy that loves to take care of kids, I will be happy to reevaluate. I am far from conventional and do not mind sticking out, society wise. I just need someone who is willing to do the same. What I like to do with kids: Going places (park, museum, beach, library...), having fun, playing games, reading books to them, teaching them stuff and doing homework. For the psychology nerds, this will save you some time: MBTI: INFP Enneagram: I'm 4w5 (subtype SX) Attachment Style: Disorganized here are some traits I like in a man: Strength, softness, gentle, open-mindness, accepting, Bookish, observant, Islam lover, cultured, speaker and listener, compliments, cuddly.
42 Meknes, Meknès-Tafilalet, Morocco
Seeking: Male 40 - 60
Marital Status: Divorced
Claim facilitate matters to facilitate marriage, God willing, (1) by God I ask you that I've you that there is no god but You Sunday Al-samad, He begetteth not has generated and not like unto Him. I spend major Anas printers Faraj كربتي and make me a valid companion, so that we may glorify Thee much and ar reminded many you worm blind. Oh Mujibur forced situation if reason loose nodes روعتي security duty of my call. God of Li Ulga if it did not retreat if it did not retreat to the corner of the severe if invited answered me from Thine pairs valid and make us love and compassion, housing, you are all things, what I said the object be so. Etna God good in the world and in the hereafter, good faith and Qena the chastisement of the fire, the blessings of God and salute and bless our master Mohammad and God bless him (2) my Lord I including landed to the best poor (3) Oh Allah bonded laborer seven skies seven territories and women and women, mocked me everything from Thy servants in pools وبحرك; so that nothing in the universe wheelchair or residents or silent or only spokesman of the objectives set out by the me features a nice name. Oh God, you district Qayyum, hurry if nothing to say to him, Be. جودك God guided me you قربني وإحسانك you; I complain to you at you, first I want to ask you about at find you, that the provision only to you and to the complainant but you;as your knowledge of my sings for my question, oh Mefrej Woes Faraj me what i am,o not بغائب فأنتظره nor بنائم فأوقظه nor heedless I'd like nor بعاجز فأمهله. Oh wholesale world needless to detail, enough of your knowledge about the article enough Kurmuk on the question. Interrupted please only you disillusioned with hopes but you pumps fell into disrepair roads but You, God, God, Allah is Hearer, nearby Baasyir, Oh Mujibur, forgive me وارحمني thy, he is the most Merciful of the merciful Li is pleased rizqi Li mocked Him Who created thee you have power over all things. God make all future creation me bedrm guys them; and make all the bad guys orchestrated CEB addressed you have power over all things except that estimated me a little sustenance type in which it is, and estimated me note of the many type in which it is God, God God God prayed and salute and bless our master Mohammad and God bless him اللهـمـ ردنـا إليـك جميـلاً response. اللهـمـ ردنـا إليـك جميـلاً response. اللهـمـ ردنـا إليـك جميـلاً response. Allah you my Lord, there is no god but He: and I am hopeful worshiper, I am your watch ووعْدِكَ what you, your Lord and Cherisher of the Evil manufactured, أَبوءُ you i بِنِعْمتِكَ, وأَبُوءُ confess فَاغْفِرْ me, it does not forgive sins but you اللهـمـ Anna نستغفـرك from all نعـمـةِ أنعـمـت by عليـنـا فاستعنـا alerting the معصيتـك, God.. The employer. That was what the BBC of narrow is afflicted i calculated remuneration Sabri you have, and was due to repent I repent to you from each sin perpetrated by the knowledge I or without the knowledge of the سبحــــــانك اللهـــمـ and بحمـدك, أشهــد not إلـــــه but you, أستغفـرك and أتــوب إليـــــك.. Allah أسـتغفـر العظيمـ which not only إلـــه is القيومـ district to To.. Allah أسـتغفـر العظيمـ which not only إلـــه is القيومـ district to To.. Allah أسـتغفـر العظيمـ which not only إلـــه is القيومـ district to To.. Allah أسـتغفـر العظيمـ which not only إلـــه is القيومـ district to To.. Allah أسـتغفـر العظيمـ which not only إلـــه is القيومـ district to To.. Allah أسـتغفـر العظيمـ which not only إلـــه is القيومـ district to To.. Allah أسـتغفـر العظيمـ which not only إلـــه is القيومـ district to To.. Oh God, to repent not contempt of your and your ignorance and not بوعيدك disregard of the Hui dozed and the weakness of restraint فأغفر me, it does not forgive sins but you, by God I repent to each sin followed by about heartbreak and bequeath ransom and traps livelihood and respond to pray اللهـمـ قلبـي commented the Quran, and mentioning, وبالصلاة and PPP routes for disappointments, give me unchanged until آلقآكْ by God I repent to each sin to steps two or extended to him my hands and تأملته - or listened to him بأذني or say the two tabs... or destroyed the me terribly and then استرزقتك on insurrectionary فرزقتني then enlisted برزقك on عصيانك فسترته on وسألتك increase تحرمني did and still returning to بحلمك وإحسانك, Akram honorable... by God I repent Of all the bad committed in broad daylight أوسواد night in filled or retreat in secret or publicly أستحيي not you and you the warden to... by God I repent of all the duty of Shariah to me in the night أوالنهار left deliberately or by mistake or نسياناً or ignorance وأستغفرك each year traditions and the seal of the prophets of Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him salvation) left an inadvertent or accidental or نسياناً or negligence or ignorance... I ask God's forgiveness to it, hated him Allah أوفعلا deed باطناً أوظاهرا أستغفرالله to him , I wish, who read يدعيلي to the back of the Unseen so that God يغفرلي repent and facilitate Emory Me
53 Marrakech, Marrakech-Tensift-Al Haouz, Morocco
Seeking: Male 46 - 58
Marital Status: Divorced

