
Muslim Canadian Men With Grey Hair For Marriage

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1 - 35 of 100
41 Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
Seeking: Female 18 - 39
Hair color: Grey / White
62 Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Seeking: Female 50 - 70
Hair color: Grey / White
59 Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Seeking: Female 27 - 50
Hair color: Grey / White
انا مصرى عايش بكندا ولاية كيبيك انا بطبعى هادئ جدا واكره النكد والعصبيه عاشق للرحلات ورومانسى جدا واعشق الرومانسيه بكل اشكالها واوضاعها واعشق المرأه واقدرها واحترمها واحترم ارائها ولاواصادرها ابدا وصبور لابعد الحدود وانا والحمد لله ميسور الحال ومن هواياتى السباحه واعشق المراه الرومانسيه التى تعشق الرومانسيه ايضا بكل اوضعها واكرر بكل اوصاعها وفى كل وقت وان حصل نصيب وتلاقينا اكيد فى مزيد من الوضوح وانا يومى عادى بعد انهى عملى بسيط من الوقت على السوشيال ميدا الفيس بوك لمعرفة اخبار الدنيا واشوف ايه اخر الاخبار ةان كان فى رومانسيه تبحث عن مصراوى ولا لسه النصيب وطعا الكلام ليكى ان كنتى تبحثين عنى مصراوى عرفتى حتلاقينى فين مصراوى اعتقد سهل الحصول عليه دى كلمه من جزئين مصرا وى كدا سهلت عليكى البحث يلا اشوف الشطاره و صحيح احنا عرب لكن البحث اه صحيح انا عاشق الزهور حتى تلاقينى حاطط على الفيس الورده الحمرا اعشق الزهور لان لغة الزهور جميله ان كان فى جد يفهمها يلا منتظرك ياقمر اللهم انا لانسألك رد القضاء ولكن نسألك اللطف فيه Masra yes والله ولى التوفيق اللهم لا الله الا انت سبحانك
59 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Seeking: Female 40 - 54
Hair color: Grey / White
I was drafted by the Toronto Raptors, but they felt that I was too tall. The most memorable feature of my first car was the heater. The thing was, it screamed. A full on, woman in great terror scream. It didn’t scream all the time. Only when it was cold. The colder it got, the louder it screamed. This being Winnipeg, that was most days. When it warmed up, it would gurgle contently then stop. I am a water engineer and work for an agency that mentors scientists in developing countries to solve problems like water and sanitation, climate change, and gender-based violence. One of the things that I am most proud of is a book I did on water management in Islam. If you want to know more about me, google my name, Naser Faruqui, and select videos. I love playing hockey and soccer. I wanted to be the first Pakistani born player in the NHL. I came second in my soccer league scoring last year, but it is an over 50 league and grandma could outrun some of the players. I read everything from Anne of Green Gables (used to hide it underneath my calculus books in University) to non-fiction like 21 lessons for the 21st Century. I enjoy comic films like Zoolander and dramas like the Shawshank Redemption. I like listening to Sarah MacLauchlan, Bruce Springsteen, and Dire Straits. I am partial to ghazals and qawwali remixes on Coke Studio. I relax by watching the birds and looking at the flowers in my garden. I enjoy camping, fishing, and hiking. Also dancing competitions at weddings and doing funny skits at our Office Christmas party. I like travelling and have been to some cool places. My kids are becoming more independent and we have a new telework policy so I am open to relocating for the right person.
54 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Seeking: Female 48 - 55
Hair color: Grey / White
50 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Seeking: Female 40 - 60
Hair color: Grey / White
64 Lavaltrie, Quebec, Canada
Seeking: Female 38 - 57
Hair color: Grey / White
63 Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Seeking: Female 39 - 57
Hair color: Grey / White
61 Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Seeking: Female 40 - 99
Hair color: Grey / White
49 Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Seeking: Female 30 - 44
Hair color: Grey / White
59 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Seeking: Female 35 - 53
Hair color: Grey / White
64 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Seeking: Female 40 - 65
Hair color: Grey / White
46 Kanata, Ontario, Canada
Seeking: Female 26 - 45
Hair color: Grey / White
51 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Seeking: Female 30 - 40
Hair color: Grey / White
54 Quebec, Quebec, Canada
Seeking: Female 31 - 49
Hair color: Grey / White
66 Kanata, Ontario, Canada
Seeking: Female 45 - 99
Hair color: Grey / White
57 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Seeking: Female 33 - 50
Hair color: Grey / White
52 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Seeking: Female 36 - 60
Hair color: Grey / White
52 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Seeking: Female 28 - 40
Hair color: Grey / White

