
Arab Men With Children For Marriage

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31 Agadir, Souss-Massa-Drâa, Morocco
Seeking: Female 18 - 25
Have children: Yes - live at home
الرفقة على أساس يومي. المساعدة المتبادلة والدعم في التجارب والأوقات الصعبة. الضحك في لحظات الفرح. الشريعة لتقودنا. الله والسنة يهدينا عن عبدالله بن عمر رضي الله عنهما قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: الحياء والإيمان قرناء جميعا فإذا رفع أحدهما رفع الآخر أنا لا أتزوج امرأة لا ترتدي الحجاب الكامل أو النقاب قال الله تعالى: فَخَلَفَ مِن بَعْدِهِمْ خَلْفٌ أَضَاعُوا الصَّلاةَ وَاتَّبَعُوا الشَّهَوَاتِ فَسَوْفَ يَلْقَوْنَ غَيًّا (سورة مريم ٥٩) لن أتزوج امرأة لا تصلي في وقتها عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم: لو كنت آمرا أحدا أن يسجد لاحد لأمرت المرأة أن تسجد لزوجها (رواه الترمذي في سننه رقم ١١٥٩ و حسنه و صححه الشيخ الألباني في تحقيق سنن الترمذي) ومن المؤكد أن سلوك الزوجة تجاه زوجها هو ما سيدخلها الجنة والله أعلم إذا كانت زوجتي المستقبلية تفهم هذه الأمور وتعرف ما يتوقعه الله منها. ثم سيتم معاملتها كأعظم أميرة معي بإذن الله أريد الزواج من امرأة تتكلم الفرنسية، أدرس اللغة العربية ولكن مستواي الحالي لا يسمح لي بالمناقشة. أستخدم المترجم لهذا العرض التقديمي أعيش بين باريس وأغادير. لكني أخطط للهجرة إلى المملكة العربية السعودية بعد فترة إن شاء الله. أنا صاحب مطعم ومحل إسلامي في باريس، وأعمل أيضًا في وكالة الحج والعمرة. أنا أيضًا طالب في العلوم الإسلامية في جامعة شاتو شينون. لدي القدرة المالية والمادية لإعالة عدة أسر ولله الحمد. لقد اعتمرت 5 مرات وقريبا الحج العام القادم إن شاء الله. لقد كتبت الكثير في الوصف لتجنب الأسئلة والخطب غير الضرورية. بخلاف ذلك، وبصرف النظر عن معاييري الإلزامية، فأنا شخص يتمتع بمتعة الحياة ويحب الضحك والسفر والاستمتاع بالأشياء الموجودة في الحياة. رمضان مبارك. الله يحفظك
39 Kawm Umbū, Aswān, Egypt
Seeking: Female 25 - 35
Have children: Yes - live at home
The marriage will take place in accordance with Islamic law, and the marriage and residence ceremonies will take place in Egypt, and I have the large and full financial ability to bear all the expenses. The wife will be a crowned queen in ancient pharaonic Egypt, with its beautiful nature\Nwhoever finds the ability and seriousness to live in Egypt contact me and the marriage will take place as soon as possible. As for those who want financial help, the address is wrong, he heart of the belief is his guide marriage in Islam guards all the rights of women, and a husband may not marry except a woman of her age, exception in the case of sin and hatred, only in the case of God and only in the case of God and beyond. abandonment of the Marital Home, abandonment of bed and bedroom, refusal of the special maritime relationship to prevent falling into the forbidden, and chastasy of the husband in the second marriage the wife’s will be loss from which she, cuct, was not in order to prevent the husband from falling into adulthood and forbidden relationships, Islam has allowed marriage for him\Islam preserves the woman’s dignity and obligations the husband to spend on her and its inheritance from it, and including life, including a lifetime, including a lifetime of food and clothing\Nnever be afraid of a Muslim because he fears God even if it is impossible for ten people to impose his religion and the holy Quran’an on him to honor her and leave her with faith and hand over to her family and spend on her and deliver her to her family in honor and honor and not insult her and do not take \her rights and her children I’m ur sugar baby and I will be loyal to you
42 Alexandria, Al Iskandarīyah, Egypt
Seeking: Female 23 - 45
Have children: Yes - live at home
I'm married and I've three children, I work as a software Developer self-employed, I want to marry an European Muslim religious woman ,, Thanks to Allah i'm very comfortable with my wife and my children, But working conditions in Egypt is a little bit difficult, therefore I want to marry And work in Europe, Including obey our prophet in polygamy and work there, This is a legitimate and right for every Muslim man,, I'm loving the family life very much and playing with kids whenever possible ,Because i think if you gave your kids care and some of your time now you will get this care or may be more than you imagine when you become old man, Who correspond with me will be in my heart and mind and become my princess , Really become my princess not words to say only , As the case with my first wife, I'm praying to Allah preserve her to me ,,,, Very important things you must keep it in your mind: ======================================= I'm here not for making friends or playing with women's hearts ,I'm serious for marriage. Please if you are not serious for marriage , Don't call me …… Our prophet Mohamed (صل الله عليه و سلم)Said: "Love to your brother,What you love to yourself",, Another important thing you must know that i'm not belong to any groups of the Islam except "Muslims" i'm MUSLIM only without any addition, you must know that , I hate all groups in Islam (Brotherhood, Salafi, DAESH, ANSAR ELSHREAA and etc they are many groups and all of them are wrong), All of them are called "KHAWAREG" Our prophet (صل الله عليه و سلم)said about them "Elkhawareg are the dogs of the fire"..... this was an important note you must know about me, I love Egypt so much, love my city Alexandria, I love my army and our president and every Muslims except "Muslims Groups" ... Thanks to understand that.... we can use -(Live:amr.job),,, Or - google ID – (goldeneagl)(2002) … If you want know more about me … Please don't hesitate to ask or send a message, you won't be loss anything,, May be i'll become your future husband .... Who can know what Allah does for us if we obeyed his commands.

