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Jäsenet, jotka ovat löytäneet rakkauden sivulla Muslima

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I am very happy

I found a very honest lady who matches me I am very happy & thanks Muslima.com team I found a very honest lady who matches me I am very happy & thanks Muslima.com team


MasyaAllah Thanks a bunch to Muslima. You made us meet each other and then got married, Alhamdulillah. May Barak Allah to our lives now and in the future. MasyaAllah Thanks a bunch to Muslima. You made us meet each other and then got married, Alhamdulillah. May Barak Allah to our lives now and in the future.

I found my partner.

I found my partner. الحمدلله رب العالمين التعدد شرع الله لقيت بنت &#... I found my partner. الحمدلله رب العالمين التعدد شرع الله لقيت بنت الحلال و الثالثة قريباً ان شاء الله

I received a message that changed everything

Joined Muslima with low expectations but hope that I would find my forever friend. I had almost given up on that hope until one day I received a message that changed everything. 7 months later here we are happy, in love, and married. Joined Muslima with low expectations but hope that I would find my forever friend. I had almost given up on that hope until one day I received a message that changed everything. 7 months later here we are happy, in love, and married.

Thank Allah first and Muslima.com

As Salaamu Alaikum! I joined Muslima because I was trying to find my soul mate. What I like most about Muslima is that the potentials were real people. I met some awesome brothers on this site and it gave me hope. My experience has been successful as I met and married my soulmate Al Hamdillah&... As Salaamu Alaikum! I joined Muslima because I was trying to find my soul mate. What I like most about Muslima is that the potentials were real people. I met some awesome brothers on this site and it gave me hope. My experience has been successful as I met and married my soulmate Al Hamdillah! It’s a crazy story after talking for just 5 short months I flew to KSA by myself and married my husband. I was terrified but it has been the greatest blessing in my life. Thank Allah first and Muslima.com

I am sooo great full for this site

Muslima has helped me find my future wife, I am so great full for this site, and hopefully, everyone finds their true happiness as I have Muslima has helped me find my future wife, I am so great full for this site, and hopefully, everyone finds their true happiness as I have